NIH completes in-depth genomic analysis of 33 cancer types

Researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health have completed a detailed genomic analysis, known as the PanCancer Atlas, on a data set of molecular and clinical information from over 10,000 tumors representing 33 types of cancer.

“This project is the culmination of more than a decade of groundbreaking work,” said NIH Director Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D. “This analysis provides cancer researchers with unprecedented understanding of how, where and why tumors arise in humans, enabling better informed clinical trials and future treatments.”

How Safe are at Home Teeth Whitening Products?

Even though there has been some considerable amount of concerns raised about at home whiten products being safe for your teeth, you may want to know that there have been numerous clinical studies that have demonstrated that using a home system to whiten your teeth is both safe and effective when used as instructed. The fact is that the effectiveness of many home teeth whitening products is so good that there are numerous dentists that complain that they are losing money and patients. However in most cases that is not correct. At home whitening products actually cause their patients visit their dentist more, and take more pride in their dental health because they have actually raised to a certain level of awareness. It is advised to consult with your dentist prior to making a decision about or selecting a teeth whitening product which is recommended by most all of the advertisements for legitimate teeth whitening products.

Tooth Decay in Children. Tooth decay in children is an occurring health condition. Due to dental issue children miss 52 million hours from school every year. If dental problems are left untreated children will develop further health problems. 30% to 50% of children between 4 and 5 years old already struggle with tooth decay. There are many reason for this problem but a few are due to the fact that dental benefits are not provided though the parents employer.  Some parents fail to acknowledge the important of early dental care for kids. Children of low income families are more predisposed to developing tooth decay and Dental care cost is too expensive for children.

Using your dental benefits. As we draw closer to the end of the year this is a reminder to use your dental benefits. Many people do receive dental benefits though their employment but still do not visit the dentist and use the benefits they receive. Also companies will tend to review the employee benefits offer and will normally make changes in the beginning of the year. Therefore it is best to take care of all your dental needs before any changes take place.

NIH researchers use genomics to set squamous cell carcinomas apart from other cancers. Results could advance treatments for head and neck and other cancers.

Results could adResearchers supported by the National Institutes of Health have uncovered molecular characteristics that link the genomic profiles of squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) from five areas of the body and that set these SCCs apart from other cancers. Using a robust dataset of SCCs from the head and neck, lung, esophagus, cervix, and bladder, the researchers also found defining characteristics in subtypes of SCCs associated with tobacco use or human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. This research may lead to more effective diagnosis and treatment of these cancers by helping researchers develop tailored strategies for specific cancer subtypes.vance treatments for head and neck and other cancers.

Many children like to be able to show their independence by doing tasks, such as brushing their teeth, on their own. Even if your child is still not correctly brushing you should let them brush their teeth either before or after you have correctly brushed their teeth.  This can be done in steps in a way to teach your child how to brush correctly. Letting them have some time to brush their teeth too may make it fun for them. More a child wants to brush their teeth the better. By the time your child is around six they should be able to correctly brush their teeth on their own. When you are confident that your child is capable of brushing alone, you may want to buy an timer and time your child’s brushing to make sure they are brushing for the recommended two minutes. Do a final inspection of your child mouth. This gives you a chance to check for any teeth that have been missed, visually show your child the area and demonstrate how he should brush in that area too.  And remember to praise your child on a job well done.

Did you know that cheese can help you protect your child teeth from tooth decay? By offering your child a piece of cheese after a meal or snack the cheese helps neutralizing the harmful acids from the mouth. In addition, cheese helps to make tooth enamel stronger and becoming a perfect barrier that will protect from tooth caries.

Babies can start teething as soon as three months but normally for most babies teething beings around six to seven months. The first teeth that will usually appear will be the lower incisors (front teeth). As your child grows and develop more teeth, you can use a toothbrush that is designed for your child’s age. Avoid using toothpaste that contains fluoride until your child is old enough to understand that swallowing the toothpaste should be avoided.

Oral hygiene is just as important to infants as to children and adults. Even though a baby may not have teeth you still need to provide for daily oral hygiene for your infant. Infants require daily oral hygiene, because the tissues in the mouth require cleansing to prevent irritation and infection. Thrush is a treatable fungal infection caused by yeast that often appears in areas of the mouth that may have torn tissue, due to the constant sucking of a pacifier, bottle, or during breastfeeding. The tiny tears remain moist, and if not removed, the yeast can cause this painful condition.

NIH study revises molecular classification for most common type of lymphoma

In a new study, researchers identified genetic subtypes of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) that could help explain why some patients with the disease respond to treatment and others don’t. The study, led by researchers in the Center for Cancer Research (CCR) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health, with additional authors from several institutions around the world, was published online April 11, 2018, in The New England Journal of Medicine.

It is estimated that the average American drinks nearly 600 cans of soda person per year. Studies shown that soft drinks is a causing factor to adult’s and children’s tooth decay. The problem with soda in regards to dental health is that many sodas contain acids and sugars that could erode tooth enamel over time. Even diet soda contain phosphoric acid and/or citric acid and still cause dental erosion — though considerably less than their sugared counterparts. According to researchers from the University of Maryland Baltimore Dental School, drinks that especially aggressive to erode tooth enamel are light-colored soda (such as Sprite and Mountain Dew) and canned iced tea (such as Arizona Iced Tea) If you are a soda drinker root beer products did the least damage. Other safer drinks for teeth would be water, brewed black tea, and black coffee all showed minimal tooth enamel damage. Another helpful tip to soft drink, drinkers would be to drink soda out of a straw which will help to reduce soda’s contact with your teeth.

Many parents try and limit the amount of soda their child drinks, but sports drinks can be just as harmful to their children’s teeth. Most sports drinks are quite acidic (pH 3-4) and if taken to excess, may lead to dental erosion and demineralization. One study found that 57% of 11-14 year-olds had evidence of some dental erosion.

In Washington a two and a half year old had to under go dental surgery, after dental x-rays showed that 11 of his 20 baby teeth had cavities. The pediatric dentist extracted two incisors, performed a root canal on a molar, and gave the rest fillings and crowns. The child parents did not even worry about brushing their child teeth until they notice his teeth were starting to become discolored.

They stated they just had too much on their mind to think about brushing his teeth at night. This is not as uncommon as you may first think, According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention they noted an increase, the first in 40 years, in the number of preschoolers with cavities in a study five years ago. Dentists nationwide are saying they are seeing more preschoolers at all income levels with 6 to 10 cavities or more. With the level of decay, being so severe that they often recommend using general anesthesia because young children are unlikely to sit through such extensive procedures while they are awake.

In the early days of neuroscience research, scientists painstakingly stained brain cells and drew by hand what they saw in a microscope. Fast forward to 2018 and machines may be able to learn how to do that work. According to a new study in Cell, it may be possible to teach machines how to pick out features in neurons and other cells that have not been stained or undergone other damaging treatments. The study was partially funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), part of the National Institutes of Health.

If your child is fussy about brushing their teeth is can be that they do not care for the taste of the toothpaste in use. There are many kid friendly toothpaste that may make your child want to brush or brush longer. Colgate has Colgate Kids in strawberry as well as watermelon flavors. Crest toothpaste offers a bubblegum flavor. There are other toothpaste that taste like ice cream. These flavor toothpaste may help making brushing their teeth much easier. However keep in mind that like any other toothpaste they are to still be kept out of reach of small children and use only for brushing their teeth and not for eating.

It is never good to do anything in excess, when it comes to whitening your teeth dentist warns that over bleaching your teeth could harm your health. Dental health professionals have coined the term Bleachorexia to describe a person with an addictive obsession with bleaching their teeth to the point that it’s affecting their dental heath. Beaching your teeth correctly can provide you with a smile you want. However over use of over the counter whitening product can damage your oral health. Bleaching your teeth excessively can actually cause them to get translucent, and make them look even less white. Other risk of obsessive bleaching include hypersensitivity (making your teeth more sensitive) Oral Irritation and tooth enamel erosion.

A dental abscess begins as a tooth infection or cavity and can turn into an infection of the mouth, face, jaw, or throat if left untreated. Bacteria form tooth decay can extend into the gums, cheek and throat, beneath the tongue, or even into the jaw or facial bones. Periodontal abscesses are the result of an infection that has moved deeper into gum areas, and a periapical abscess refers to a tooth with an infection of the pulp. With a dental abscess you may notice pus collecting at the infection site. Normally the condition will become more painful until the abscess either ruptures and drains on its own or is drained surgically. Dental abscesses can also make you generally ill, with nausea, vomiting, fevers, chills, and sweats. Anyone who thinks they may have a dental abscess should see a dentist right away.

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