Posts Tagged ‘Last Minute Tax Filing’

Last minute tax filing stressIt’s Tax Day!

Accountants everywhere are rejoicing that they can see the light at the end of the tunnel of their busy season.

But if you’re one of the people who still hasn’t finished their taxes, you’re probably scrambling to make sure everything is done and filed by today’s deadline.

If you don’t get your taxes paid on time, you could be fined or get hit with failure-to-pay penalties. The IRS offers some great tips on how to avoid that, including electronic and installment payment options.

You can also request an extension to file through the IRS e-file system. That extension will give you until October 15 to file your tax return. The catch is that if you owe money, your payment is due today.

I put my tax stuff in the mail a few weeks ago, but I have some friends who are still tying up the loose ends on their returns.

Are you an early tax filer or do you wait until the last minute?

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